About the South Berwick Rod and Gun (SBRGA) Association
The South Berwick Rod & Gun Club is located off of Rt. 236 in South Berwick, Maine (349 Harold Dow Highway).
Funding & Support
The SBRGA is supported by membership fees and various fundraisers. The SBRGA is also proud to be the charter organization for the home school Clay Busters.
All maintenance of the club is by club member volunteers.
We maintain outdoor shooting ranges for pistol, rifle and trap shooting along with archery. Annual membership in the SBRGA is required to use the ranges unless you are an accompanied guest of a member. Daily rental of the ranges is not available.
Member Requirements
There is no residency requirement to join the SBRGA. Applicants need only to be of good moral character, follow the Bylaws of the South Berwick Rod and Gun Club, and agree to conduct themselves in a safe and reasonable manner while using the facilities.
Our largest fundraiser is the “30 Guns in 30 Days” raffle with 1,000 tickets sold in the months prior to the drawings in October of each year. We also participate in the South Berwick Strawberry Festival, held the last Saturday in June, where we sell raffle tickets with the proceeds used to send children to the Conservation Camp at Bryant Pond.
Range Rules
The official range rules can be found in the “Bylaws of the South Berwick Rod and Gun Club”. Those rules supersede any information on this site. At the SBRGA, we enforce the following simple gun safety practices:
Treat all guns as if they were loaded.
Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
Be sure of your target and know what is behind it.
Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
Never handle firearms while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Please refer to Range Rules for a full summary.